Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mitten Tutorial - Step 6

Step 6

Last instructions were to knit 16 rows of stockinette stitch for the body of the mitten.

Next you will begin decreasing for the mitten tip.

Decrease for mitten top:

1. (k6, k2tog) 4x – 28 sts
2. Knit
3. (k5, k2tog) 4x – 24 sts
4. Knit
5. (k4, k2tog) 4x – 20 sts
6. Knit
7. (k3, k2tog) 4x – 16 sts
8. Knit
9. (k2, k2tog) 4x – 12 sts
10. Purl 2tog across – 6 sts, break yarn, gather up.

This is the almost finished mitten that just needs seaming up.

And that's all for the LEFT mitten.

The RIGHT mitten is about the same, the only difference is the shaping of the thumb gusset.

For those of you who want to jump ahead, here are the instructions for the RIGHT mitten - no pics, yet. I'll be back with those pics as soon as I get to that point in my knitting.

Right Mitten:

Cast on 32 sts and rib for 22 rows

Knit 4 rows in St st Increasing by 1 on first row. 33 sts

Begin Right Thumb Gusset:

Row1: K29, PM, M1, Knit to end of round – 34 sts

Row 2: Purl to marker, M1, slip marker, p to end of row.

Rows 3-11: Repeat last 2 rows 4 times more.

Keep increasing every row until 44 total stitches.

Next Row: Purl 28 sts, (remove marker) turn and work the next 13 sts for thumb as in left mitten.

Mitten Body & Mitten Tip: Same as in left mitten.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Mitten Tutorial - Step 5

Hope no one abandoned their mittens!

Step 4 (continued):

After you knit your 12 thumb rows your mitten should look like the pictured below.

Step 5:

Next Row: K3, k2tog across row 8 (12)sts,
turn purl back.
Then knit 2tog across – 4 (6)sts.
Break yarn leaving a 1 yard length, gather up thumb tip and seam up thumb.

Picture below is the thumb already sewn up.

Now I'll show you how I avoid a hole at the "crotch" of the thumb.
With the wrong side facing you go thru the left stitch purl bump and

then go thru the right stitch purl bump.

After you've done that, purl to the end of the row (going to the left)

On the right side knit 15 sts and pick up one stitch at the "crotch".
and knit to the end of the row.

Don't forget to mark this row.

You now have 32 sts on the needle and you are ready to knit the body of the mitten.

Knit for 16 rows for body of mitten.